Lack of ideas? Make it a contest!

Drop a comment on this post telling me what to write about. First three (3) will be the subjects of my next blog posts.

// Devoy


What's the fucking point of if people aren't going to chat? =O

Fuckin' dicks.


History will be written on the 23rd of January 2011.

Just so you know.


Roleplaying: Short Intro

One of my hobbies is to play roleplaying games. No, not the sexual kind of roleplaying. What I play with my friends is the type with paper, pens, dice and books. I get a lot of questions on the topic so I am going to make some things clear.

Q: How do you play a roleplaying game?

A: Think improv-theater at a table with dice. Not accurate, but close enough. One person has the role as "Director" of sorts and the others play the main cast. Hard to descrive it in a better way.

Q: Can or how do you win?

A: Can you "win" at living life?  I would say, no.

Q: If you can't win, then what's the fun in it?

A: Many roleplaying games are about being in the shoes of an ordinary person in an extraordinary situation. People have told stories for countless generations. Storytelling is something that will, in one way or another, always be something that people enjoy. Most roleplaying games take the core of storytelling and modifies it so it becomes interactive. In theory, if you enjoy storytelling, be it books, film or theater you can enjoy roleplaying games.

Well I think that is good enough for now.


New look.

Now I have updated this blog with the new look too. Now I just have to start filling this blog with some stuff. Will come soon enough. Too lazy and tired at the moment to write anything with substance. For those of you how can't guess why my blog looks the way it does is because it reflects my intrestes. This blog will have stuff about gaming, rollplaying, music and random. Hope you enjoy.
// Devoy


Now some verses I write for thee,
lines one two and five rhyme free,
then these here lines two,
on thier own rhyme too!
Limericks are like this you see.

The poet writing here is Sir Clay,
whos fingers you all should flay,
then lay him in sleet,
hang him by his feet,
for his rhymes are shit I would say!

Few hear of what I do to spend time,
some claim I talk as much as a mime,
so I'll spill the beans,
I know how much it means,
for people when I here write a line.

Adrian, Johannes and I,
with a Racoon very close by,
we will all roll dice,
chars will be made thrice,
"Dark Heresy" the game we shall try.

Tomorrow people will bring snacks,
dice, pens, papper and heavy backpacks,
thats the way to be,
ready for an RPG,
pray noone forgets thier rucksacks!

It is almost eight a m,
and I'm am hungry like dae m,
I will drink some tea,
with milk that's fat-free,
and I think a sandwich with hay m.

Back in Black

I have now returned to Sweden. Feels good to be back home and all, but some things are eating away at my mind. Now some of my past misstakes have become painfully obvious.

I was going to bitch and moan in this post, but I just realized that I have no right to complain as most of the things I want to bitch about, if not all, are self inflicted. Let this be a "breath of fresh air" in the blog and reasurrance that I won't stop writing.

The reason for my mood is because it's in the middle of the damn night and I am awake. When I'm alone late at night I, more often then not, feel depressed. The surpressed feelings during the day emerge at night.

Time for to stop writing, 'cause I sound like a fucking Emo right now.


Change of Plans

So I ended up back in Redwood City instead of Texas. Back to base and regroup. Going to leave for Texas in week, I think. In the meantime I'll fight this cold I'e got a try to earn a few bucks working for my Grandfather. We'll see how that turns out.

/// Devoy

Moving On

So my last day in Reno has come. I'll be packing my stuff in a couple of hours to get ready for my next trip, 12 hour bus to Los Angeles. Once there I'll meet up with my father and do some work. Sounds like the job is fairly simple and pretty good pay. Then we'll be heading out to Texas.

As I don't know much about the places I'll be staying at I can't assure that I can get a hold of people. Don't think I'll have internet. Time will tell.

Wish me luck

/// Devoy


Right now I'm at my friend Mark's house i Reno, Nevada. I've been here just over a week now and it has been great. I've been around town abit. Not much to see. Otherwise I've hung out with Mark and his two roomies Kris and Jerry. Nice guys. Lots of video games and card games. Hardcore nerds here, so beware.

Soon I'll be on my way down to Los Angeles and kick it with my dad, and then head out to Texas.

'Till next time

/// Devoy

The Forest

So I've been out camping this weekend. We were about 20 at a site in the middle of nowhere, Northern California. Got there at 1:30 am an the saturday. Set up our tent and fell asleep. I spent the Saturday river tubing. I popped my tube but it all ended well. Sunday was I went to a waterfall and watched people jump of it. Wasn't in the mood to do so myself.

Was a very nice weekend with great people. Now I'm tired as hell.

Texas soon?

/// Devoy

Not as I Planed

Well I was going to write something mildly interesting here, but the subject I was going to write about made me feel so bad. Too much to handle right now. I might write about it tomorrow. I will blame the night. I am most emotional at night.

/// Devoy


Damn I feel like a whiney bitch. The only thing I can think of to write about is the pain in my lower back, head, neck and shoulders. I need to toughen up. So today I tried to do just that.

I helped a woman move some stuff she had in storage to her new apartment. Was some good exercise. Now I'm totaly worn out, but hey, it was worth the money. Tomorrow I might look around the area I live in and look for a store to buy some fun things at.

I hope I find what I'm looking for!



So yesterday I borrowed one of Jason's skateboards. I tried to get the basics down. Ride, turn, and ollie. That has resulted in back pain and sore thighs.Talked to my dad for the first time since who knows when. Might take a trip with him to Texas.

Today I've been San Mateo County Fair and just relaxed. Got a massage, ate a corn dog and a funnel cake. Was very nice. We went to the Drive-thru at Taco Bell on the way back. Now I'm full and tired, so I'll go to bed.


God Bless America (but he sure didn't bless the trip there)

So now I'm sitting in the kitchen of the house I'll be living in for a while. Haven't posted anything on the blog due to bad internet but I seem to have fixed that.

The whole trip took about 50 hours as I had to spend 23 at the airport in Frankfurt and that was a bore. Didn't sleep for more then two hours at a time. Had to sleep on benches. Wasn't that fun. But now that I'm finally in Redwood City I'm having a blast.

I've meet some relatives and my brother Jason's friends. Nice people all around. I've been almost constantly eating. English muffins and pop tarts and burritos and so on.

Weather has been good. Around 70-85 degrees F (~22-30 C) so I've been able to handle it fairly well.

I'll continue to update as things happen over here.



I´ll give more detail on my trip to Oslo later. Right now I´m stuck at Frankkfurt Airport. Will give details when I don´t have limited time on the computer.

I Don't Learn

I've done this same mistake before. I drink alot of things, but no water at all and I'm surprised when I one day wake up with a headache. How dumb am I? Soda, beer and coffee is good, but the water in Oslo is good too!

Now I am drinking water.


In Oslo

Now I've been in Norway the past couple of days at my my uncles place. The trip was OK being first class and all, but wasn't to much fun. Now I've spent 2 full days here and it's been a blast. Bit strange that I'm writing at 6 am but it's all good. Been out tonight and I've had a couple of beers. Nice people and nice atmoshpere. Looking forward to tomorrow night. If you want to know more about my trip to Olso keep checking my blogs and feel free to ask questions!

Bye bye for now!



Ironic is the first word that comes to mind. My teacher has been talking about identity the whole damn term it the only thing that it has done to me is to make me realise that I am everything and nothing. Let me explain my trail of thought if you may.

If you ask me I would say that I am an 18 year old male that is polite, perverted, out of shape guy who is very
devil-may-care with his money and who isn't playing with a full deck of cards, so to speak. That is who I am in nature but my demeanor, as I think most people would agree, is not the same. Sure I can spit out a perverted comment or two around people I know but I think most people see the side of me that they want to see, and the one I want to show them.

I was about to go in on the subject of how I have managed to do such a thing, but that particular tale is not to be told now, as it is a tad to gloomy for the fantabulous
(thanks for that one Frida) mood I am in. A story for another sleepless night!

Now I am off to the far corners of the internet. Twas a sincere pleasure and till we meet again!

/// Devoy

Stray Thoughts

Well I got 'round to do something I haven't done in quite a while, which is think. My head is full of random thoughts at the moment and I want to share some of it with you all.

Something I came to think of out of the blue was
How much would the future be affected if I dropped dead right now? Except the obvious exlusion of me from it, I thought at first the future wouldn't care too much. Grass would still grow, the sun would still shine, birds would still fly and the Scout would still hurt people. After some thinking I came to think of things in a slightly larger perspective.

I couldn't keep the Carpenter lineage (oh so gloryfying that word is) going. Who knows what I might invent or discover in the future? I might sacrafice myself to save mankind! Nontheless I'm still thinkin' "fuck it". I'm not the last Carpenter, inventions are often made by two people at the same time without people knowing about it and if one idiot could sacrifice himself for Man, then there
should be another just as stupid person among the other 6 billion we've got.

Then again, I'd like to think that I fulfill
some kind of real purpose. Perhaps it's just the opposite, that I have no purpose at all so I can do whatever I please? But now I should drag my ass out from the philosophical part of my mind or else I will probably just end up hugging my pillow all night, which is not a good thing.

My calling might be to just post long random things on my blog?

/// Devoy

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