Roleplaying: Short Intro

One of my hobbies is to play roleplaying games. No, not the sexual kind of roleplaying. What I play with my friends is the type with paper, pens, dice and books. I get a lot of questions on the topic so I am going to make some things clear.

Q: How do you play a roleplaying game?

A: Think improv-theater at a table with dice. Not accurate, but close enough. One person has the role as "Director" of sorts and the others play the main cast. Hard to descrive it in a better way.

Q: Can or how do you win?

A: Can you "win" at living life?  I would say, no.

Q: If you can't win, then what's the fun in it?

A: Many roleplaying games are about being in the shoes of an ordinary person in an extraordinary situation. People have told stories for countless generations. Storytelling is something that will, in one way or another, always be something that people enjoy. Most roleplaying games take the core of storytelling and modifies it so it becomes interactive. In theory, if you enjoy storytelling, be it books, film or theater you can enjoy roleplaying games.

Well I think that is good enough for now.


New look.

Now I have updated this blog with the new look too. Now I just have to start filling this blog with some stuff. Will come soon enough. Too lazy and tired at the moment to write anything with substance. For those of you how can't guess why my blog looks the way it does is because it reflects my intrestes. This blog will have stuff about gaming, rollplaying, music and random. Hope you enjoy.
// Devoy

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