God Bless America (but he sure didn't bless the trip there)

So now I'm sitting in the kitchen of the house I'll be living in for a while. Haven't posted anything on the blog due to bad internet but I seem to have fixed that.

The whole trip took about 50 hours as I had to spend 23 at the airport in Frankfurt and that was a bore. Didn't sleep for more then two hours at a time. Had to sleep on benches. Wasn't that fun. But now that I'm finally in Redwood City I'm having a blast.

I've meet some relatives and my brother Jason's friends. Nice people all around. I've been almost constantly eating. English muffins and pop tarts and burritos and so on.

Weather has been good. Around 70-85 degrees F (~22-30 C) so I've been able to handle it fairly well.

I'll continue to update as things happen over here.


Postat av: Åsa

du kommer nog vara liite som en neger när du kommit tillbaka tror jag! hehe

2009-08-20 @ 21:58:47
URL: http://yellowsubmarin.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Great that your having a great time. Nice to read. Keep us updated. mamma

2009-08-22 @ 21:38:56
Postat av: Anonym

keep us up to date I mean. Love you. Mamma

2009-08-22 @ 21:39:45

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