In Oslo

Now I've been in Norway the past couple of days at my my uncles place. The trip was OK being first class and all, but wasn't to much fun. Now I've spent 2 full days here and it's been a blast. Bit strange that I'm writing at 6 am but it's all good. Been out tonight and I've had a couple of beers. Nice people and nice atmoshpere. Looking forward to tomorrow night. If you want to know more about my trip to Olso keep checking my blogs and feel free to ask questions!

Bye bye for now!


Postat av: Anonym

can´t wait to hear about your trip and what/where it takes you. a trip around the "world" and back will bring you experience. Learning about yourself and about the world. LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!! :)/mamma

2009-08-08 @ 22:58:25

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