Not as I Planed

Well I was going to write something mildly interesting here, but the subject I was going to write about made me feel so bad. Too much to handle right now. I might write about it tomorrow. I will blame the night. I am most emotional at night.

/// Devoy

Postat av: ruth

we miss you here! Tuva broke her right arm first week at Park. So I can't use her for donkey work any more and you're the far side of the planet. Don't stay gone too long...not just 'cause we need your lifting power, you're good entertainment too and very educational :) Take care.

2009-09-04 @ 23:46:28
Postat av: ruth

you had a plan?

2009-09-04 @ 23:52:12
Postat av: Anonym

what's up my man? keep ur chin up.

take care


2009-09-16 @ 17:50:42

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