Stray Thoughts

Well I got 'round to do something I haven't done in quite a while, which is think. My head is full of random thoughts at the moment and I want to share some of it with you all.

Something I came to think of out of the blue was
How much would the future be affected if I dropped dead right now? Except the obvious exlusion of me from it, I thought at first the future wouldn't care too much. Grass would still grow, the sun would still shine, birds would still fly and the Scout would still hurt people. After some thinking I came to think of things in a slightly larger perspective.

I couldn't keep the Carpenter lineage (oh so gloryfying that word is) going. Who knows what I might invent or discover in the future? I might sacrafice myself to save mankind! Nontheless I'm still thinkin' "fuck it". I'm not the last Carpenter, inventions are often made by two people at the same time without people knowing about it and if one idiot could sacrifice himself for Man, then there
should be another just as stupid person among the other 6 billion we've got.

Then again, I'd like to think that I fulfill
some kind of real purpose. Perhaps it's just the opposite, that I have no purpose at all so I can do whatever I please? But now I should drag my ass out from the philosophical part of my mind or else I will probably just end up hugging my pillow all night, which is not a good thing.

My calling might be to just post long random things on my blog?

/// Devoy

Postat av: Ulla Jonsson

Hello Clayton!

For what it´s worth, I do believe that everybody has a purpose in this world. But you have to search and seek and be patient and most of all, you have to do it your way and not fall into the trap of some organized beliefs. It takes time and you are so young, just live your life the best you know how and your destiny will eventually reveal itself. That´s my thoughts anyway... By the way, I asked my mom about your great grandmother and she knew of her and said that my dad (who has passed away)actually knew her! That´s awesome! Live well! /Ulla (Bishop´s arms!)

2009-03-11 @ 20:57:19
Postat av: Anonym

"I'ma force-a-nature.."

Maybe not. That kinda thinking can really get you spiraling down towards madness though, you know :P

2009-03-30 @ 23:37:17

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