Change of Plans

So I ended up back in Redwood City instead of Texas. Back to base and regroup. Going to leave for Texas in week, I think. In the meantime I'll fight this cold I'e got a try to earn a few bucks working for my Grandfather. We'll see how that turns out.

/// Devoy

Postat av: Pelle

What kinda job will ya be doing? And what else are you keeping yourself occupied with?

Take care.

2009-10-16 @ 09:31:19
Postat av: linda

Nothing new.

Would be interesting

2009-10-23 @ 11:29:49
Postat av: Kristian

Feels kinda without a purpose to write here as I chat with ya on a regular basis these days, but just let you know I'm reading the stuff! :P

2009-10-24 @ 16:27:56

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