Moving On

So my last day in Reno has come. I'll be packing my stuff in a couple of hours to get ready for my next trip, 12 hour bus to Los Angeles. Once there I'll meet up with my father and do some work. Sounds like the job is fairly simple and pretty good pay. Then we'll be heading out to Texas.

As I don't know much about the places I'll be staying at I can't assure that I can get a hold of people. Don't think I'll have internet. Time will tell.

Wish me luck

/// Devoy


Right now I'm at my friend Mark's house i Reno, Nevada. I've been here just over a week now and it has been great. I've been around town abit. Not much to see. Otherwise I've hung out with Mark and his two roomies Kris and Jerry. Nice guys. Lots of video games and card games. Hardcore nerds here, so beware.

Soon I'll be on my way down to Los Angeles and kick it with my dad, and then head out to Texas.

'Till next time

/// Devoy

The Forest

So I've been out camping this weekend. We were about 20 at a site in the middle of nowhere, Northern California. Got there at 1:30 am an the saturday. Set up our tent and fell asleep. I spent the Saturday river tubing. I popped my tube but it all ended well. Sunday was I went to a waterfall and watched people jump of it. Wasn't in the mood to do so myself.

Was a very nice weekend with great people. Now I'm tired as hell.

Texas soon?

/// Devoy

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