Moving On

So my last day in Reno has come. I'll be packing my stuff in a couple of hours to get ready for my next trip, 12 hour bus to Los Angeles. Once there I'll meet up with my father and do some work. Sounds like the job is fairly simple and pretty good pay. Then we'll be heading out to Texas.

As I don't know much about the places I'll be staying at I can't assure that I can get a hold of people. Don't think I'll have internet. Time will tell.

Wish me luck

/// Devoy

Postat av: mamma

Good Luck!!! LOVE YOU!

2009-09-28 @ 11:37:28
Postat av: Anonym

hang in there brutha, keep in touch... fan go to a internet cafe. . oh wait maybe they haven't made it to Texas yet lol



2009-09-28 @ 17:06:42
Postat av: Ruth

Break a leg ;)

2009-09-29 @ 21:31:48
Postat av: Pelle

My oh my. I had totally forgotten that you told me about this blog. I did think your updates on FB were a bit sparse but now I know where to look :)

Will you be sharing any photos later on?

Cheers old buddy old pal.


2009-09-29 @ 22:51:43
Postat av: Tant Cissi

Hi Clayton,

We'll follow your adventures on your blog. Thanks for sharing a bit of your days with us. It must be a lot of mixed feelings, being back in the US. "Home" but still you're abroad. Remember that you have a big fan club of family, relatives and friends who has seen you grow up, from a curly little boy from the States to an intelligent, outgoing and nice young man. We love you, man. /Cecilia and family

2009-10-03 @ 19:07:11

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