Not as I Planed

Well I was going to write something mildly interesting here, but the subject I was going to write about made me feel so bad. Too much to handle right now. I might write about it tomorrow. I will blame the night. I am most emotional at night.

/// Devoy


Damn I feel like a whiney bitch. The only thing I can think of to write about is the pain in my lower back, head, neck and shoulders. I need to toughen up. So today I tried to do just that.

I helped a woman move some stuff she had in storage to her new apartment. Was some good exercise. Now I'm totaly worn out, but hey, it was worth the money. Tomorrow I might look around the area I live in and look for a store to buy some fun things at.

I hope I find what I'm looking for!



So yesterday I borrowed one of Jason's skateboards. I tried to get the basics down. Ride, turn, and ollie. That has resulted in back pain and sore thighs.Talked to my dad for the first time since who knows when. Might take a trip with him to Texas.

Today I've been San Mateo County Fair and just relaxed. Got a massage, ate a corn dog and a funnel cake. Was very nice. We went to the Drive-thru at Taco Bell on the way back. Now I'm full and tired, so I'll go to bed.


God Bless America (but he sure didn't bless the trip there)

So now I'm sitting in the kitchen of the house I'll be living in for a while. Haven't posted anything on the blog due to bad internet but I seem to have fixed that.

The whole trip took about 50 hours as I had to spend 23 at the airport in Frankfurt and that was a bore. Didn't sleep for more then two hours at a time. Had to sleep on benches. Wasn't that fun. But now that I'm finally in Redwood City I'm having a blast.

I've meet some relatives and my brother Jason's friends. Nice people all around. I've been almost constantly eating. English muffins and pop tarts and burritos and so on.

Weather has been good. Around 70-85 degrees F (~22-30 C) so I've been able to handle it fairly well.

I'll continue to update as things happen over here.



I´ll give more detail on my trip to Oslo later. Right now I´m stuck at Frankkfurt Airport. Will give details when I don´t have limited time on the computer.

I Don't Learn

I've done this same mistake before. I drink alot of things, but no water at all and I'm surprised when I one day wake up with a headache. How dumb am I? Soda, beer and coffee is good, but the water in Oslo is good too!

Now I am drinking water.


In Oslo

Now I've been in Norway the past couple of days at my my uncles place. The trip was OK being first class and all, but wasn't to much fun. Now I've spent 2 full days here and it's been a blast. Bit strange that I'm writing at 6 am but it's all good. Been out tonight and I've had a couple of beers. Nice people and nice atmoshpere. Looking forward to tomorrow night. If you want to know more about my trip to Olso keep checking my blogs and feel free to ask questions!

Bye bye for now!


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